
in battle中文什么意思

发音:   用"in battle"造句
  • 在战争中,在战斗中
  • battle:    n. 1.战,战斗(行动),交战,会战,战役,(一般)战 ...
  • battle:    n. 1.战,战斗(行动),交战,会战,战役,(一般)战争。 2.斗争,竞争;〔美国〕竞赛。 3.胜利,成功。 a battle of words 论战。 the disposition for a battle 战术的部署。 the battle of life 生存斗争。 The battle is not always to the strong. 强者不一定常胜。 a naval battle 海战。 a close battle 近战,肉搏。 a decisive battle 决战。 a general's battle 战略和战术的较量,韬略战。 a soldier's battle 勇气和力量的较量,兵力战。 a pitched battle = a plain battle 鏖战,酣战。 a sham battle 〔美国〕模拟战,战斗演习。 a street battle 巷战。 accept battle 应战,迎战。 be killed in battle 阵亡。 do battle = fight a battle 挑战,开战,交战。 fall in battle 阵亡。 fight one's battles over again 忆谈当年勇,反复叙述当年功绩[经历]。 gain a battle 打胜仗。 give battle = do battle. give the battle 认输,战败。 go into battle 投入战斗。 half the battle 成功[胜利]的一半 (Youth is half the battle. 年轻气锐就是一半成功)。 have the battle 战胜。 join battle 参战。 lose a battle 打败仗。 lose the battle 战败。 offer battle 挑战。 refuse battle 拒绝应战。 vi. 作战,战斗,斗争,奋斗 (against with for)。 battle with poverty 与贫困作斗争。 vt. 〔美国〕与…作战,与…斗争。 battle the storm 与暴风雨作斗争。
  • battle for:    斗争
  • battle with:    与...战斗
  • battle after battle:    一场又一场战斗
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The two opposing armies are locked in battle .
  2. The corporal was cited for bravery in battle .
  3. He was killed in battle .
  4. He was a magical shooter in our squad and his every shot did execution in battle .
  5. They defied the warriors of troy to come out on the plain and meet them in battle .


    In Battle is an extreme metal band from Sundsvall, Sweden. The main lyrical themes of the band focus on Norse mythology and war.


        battle:    n. 1.战,战斗(行动),交战,会战,战役,(一般)战 ...
        battle:    n. 1.战,战斗(行动),交战,会战,战役,(一般)战争。 2.斗争,竞争;〔美国〕竞赛。 3.胜利,成功。 a battle of words 论战。 the disposition for a battle 战术的部署。 the battle of life 生存斗争。 The battle is not always to the strong. 强者不一定常胜。 a naval battle 海战。 a close battle 近战,肉搏。 a decisive battle 决战。 a general's battle 战略和战术的较量,韬略战。 a soldier's battle 勇气和力量的较量,兵力战。 a pitched battle = a plain battle 鏖战,酣战。 a sham battle 〔美国〕模拟战,战斗演习。 a street battle 巷战。 accept battle 应战,迎战。 be killed in battle 阵亡。 do battle = fight a battle 挑战,开战,交战。 fall in battle 阵亡。 fight one's battles over again 忆谈当年勇,反复叙述当年功绩[经历]。 gain a battle 打胜仗。 give battle = do battle. give the battle 认输,战败。 go into battle 投入战斗。 half the battle 成功[胜利]的一半 (Youth is half the battle. 年轻气锐就是一半成功)。 have the battle 战胜。 join battle 参战。 lose a battle 打败仗。 lose the battle 战败。 offer battle 挑战。 refuse battle 拒绝应战。 vi. 作战,战斗,斗争,奋斗 (against with for)。 battle with poverty 与贫困作斗争。 vt. 〔美国〕与…作战,与…斗争。 battle the storm 与暴风雨作斗争。
        battle for:    斗争
        battle with:    与...战斗
        battle after battle:    一场又一场战斗
        a battle at changbanpo:    长坂坡
        a battle of wits:    墨攻; 墨子攻略-waf版本
        a battle of yangdezhi:    战争电影永恒经典 杨德志围城打援
        a close battle:    肉搏
        a decisive battle:    决战
        a drawn battle:    不分胜败的战斗; 不分胜负的战斗
        a famous battle:    有名的战例
        a fierce battle:    激烈的战斗; 激战
        a hard battle:    一场硬仗
        a land battle:    陆战
        a naval battle:    海战
        a pitched battle:    难分难解的酣战
        a sea battle:    海战
        a sham battle:    军事演习
        a street battle:    巷战
        accept battle:    应战
        airland battle:    空地一体战; 空降作战; 陆空作战
        ambush battle:    伏击战斗
        amiens battle of:    亚眠战役
        atlantic battle of the:    大西洋战役



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